Heeks Bibliography

Drew Snyder, “Willy Heeks: Ocean House Paintings at Scott White Contemporary” Art Ltd, Jan 2011

John Rapko, “Willy Heeks at Brian Gross Fine Art”, review Artweek,Vol. 39, Issue 8, October 2008

Kenneth Baker, “Heeks changes techniques to keep work alive”, San Francisco Chronicle, pE10, Datebook, August 9, 2008

Doug Norris, Review, South County Independent, Exhibit C2, September 7, 2006

Robert L. Pincus, Art Review, The San Diego Union Tribune, p.30, July 6, 2006

Bill Rodriguez, “Variations and Themes, Webs, Loops and Skeins at the RISD Museum”, The Providence Phoenix , Art, p.16, March 17, 2006

Bill Van Siclen,”Engaging Modern Art at RISD Museum”, The Providence Journal, “Art Scene”,p.10, March 2, 2006

Diane Armitage, “Views of Abstraction” THE magazine of the Arts, Santa Fe, October 2004

Kenneth Baker, “Heeks Monotypes at Aurobora Press”, San Francisco Chronicle, Saturday, August 28, 2004

Bill Van Siclen. “A Pure Painter”, The Providence Journal, “Art Scene”, p12-13, March 4, 2004 

Jennifer Matoney. “Artistic Reunion,” Narragansett Times, October 27, 2000, Time Out section pp1, 12

Megan Southard. “A portrait of friendship,” Bristol Phoenix, November 1, 2000, Section B pp1, 20

Channing Gray. “Art Scene,” The Providence Journal, November 9, 2000, p14

Kenneth Baker. “Abstractions at Their Own Pace,” San Francisco Chronicle, Saturday, March 11, 2000

Ann Landi.  “New York: Reviews, Willy Heeks at David Beitzel Gallery,” ARTnews, December, 1999. P.174

Mario Naves, “Beauty is Back? Willy Heeks' Tender, Sensuous Pictures,” The New York Observer, September 27, 1999 pp.17&19 

Ken Johnson,  New York Times, September 24, 1999

Edith Newhall, "Fall Preview Galleries", NewYork Magazine, September 20, 1999, pp. 83 & 86

Bill Van Siclen, “State of the Art,” Providence Journal, August 22, 1999. Section E, pp.1 & 6

Bill Van Siclen, “Mind’s Eye at Booth Contemporary Art,” Providence Journal, August 5, 1999, Sec.LIVE p.  28

Karen Gavin,   “Time for a Change,” Arts, South County Independent, July 8, 1999, Section B pp.1 and 7

Peter Pan, “East Coast Notes,” Peter Pan Kick Out Section, Longboard Magazine, July 1999, page 150

Karen Gavin, “It’s an Abstract World,” South County Independent, April 22, 1999, pp. B1 – B3

Bill Van Siclen,  “Art Review, Willy Heeks: Colorist a Juggler Who Pushes Himself,” The Providence Journal, April 16, 1999, pp. E1 and E8

Carolyn S. Jirousek, Cleveland Collects Contemporary Art, Catalogue Contributions, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH, 1998

Terrie Sultan, The Forty-Fifth Biennial: The Corcoran Collects 1907, Catalog Essay. Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.1998

"Noted Artist at University of Tampa for Studio-f Program," Tampa Record, October 2, 1997

"Artist Willy Heeks at Studio-f," University of Tampa, Insighter, October, 1997

"Willy Heeks Scheduled to Appear at Studio-F,"  The Free Press Weekly, September 27, 1997

Tom Ceaszar, "Willy Heeks," New Art Examiner, September, 1997

George Melrod, "Optical Illusions," Art & Antiques, June 1997, p. 30

Edward J. Sozanski, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Friday, May 2, 1997

Miles Unger, "Willy Heeks," Art New England, April/May, 1997

Kelly Spalding, "Willy Heeks," artsMEDIA, January, 1997

Bill Van Siclen, "Arts Year '95," The Providence Journal, December 31, 1995

Bill Van Siclen, "Willy Heeks paintings carry the weight of his feelings," The Providence Journal, April 7, 1995

Helen Kohen, "Abstractions," Miami Herald, March 3, 1995

Sue Scott, "Willy Heeks," ARTnews, February 1995, p. 126

Krisjohn Horvath, Willy Heeks Paintings: 1986-1993, Catalog Essay. Rhode Island College, Providence, RI, 1995

Willem Sanders, Optical Consciousness, (catalog), Leiden, Holland and Verduno, Italy 1995

John Villani, "Capital Art," Southern Accents, Vol. 17, no. 5, September - October 1994, p. 150

Mary McCoy, "Heeks at Drysdale," The Washington Post, January 22, 1994

Barry Schwabsky, Poised At The Edge, Catalog Essay. Rhode Island College, Providence, RI. 1994

William Zimmer, "Art", The New York Times, October 17, 1993

Robert L. Pincus, "Heeks will drive you to abstraction," The San Diego Union Tribune, May 20, 1993. p. 24

Julia Robinson, "Mindscapes, The Kaleidoscopic Poetry of Willy Heeks", Art,Entertainment & Travel Magazine, April - May, 1993 

Mario Naves, "Willy Heeks", New Art Examiner, April 1993. p.32

Michael Kimmelman, "Willy Heeks," The New York Times, December 18, 1992

Nancy Stapen, "New Paintings", The Boston Globe, October 22, 1992, p. 41

Kay Larson, "Better Light Than Never", New York, March 9,1992 p. 79

Paul Depondt, "Modern Drippings Met Slierten en Cirkels", de Volkskrant, March 5, 1992

Thea Figee, "Heeks Citeert Met Veel Respect", Trouw, March 5, 1992

Donald Kuspit, "42nd Biennial", Artforum, February 1992, pp. 121-122.

Edward J. Sozanski, "Art", The Philadelphia Inquirer, January 3, 1992, p. 27

Lee Fleming, "42nd Corcoran Biennial Goes National: Polite Formalities", New Art Examiner, December 1991, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 22-23

Kenneth Baker, "Abstract Painting with a Twist", San Francisco Chronicle, November 6, 1991.

Alice Thorson, "Brushing the Surface", the City Paper, September 26, 1991

Andrew Decker, "Auctions: Furniture from Old France, A Queen Kong Diamond, and a Great Gris", New York, September 23, 1991, p. 150-152

Eric Gibson, "Corcoran Puts Painting to Test as Viable Form", The Washington Times, September 6, 1991

Paul Richard, "Abstract and Personal: At the Corcoran Biennial, A Passionate Bow to the Past", The Washington Post, September 6, 1991, pp. F1 & 6

Helen A. Harrison, "The Natural World and Its Mysteries", The New York Times, August 11, 1991, p.13

Roberta Smith, "Huntington", The New York Times, August 9, 1991, p. C22

"Nine Abstract Artists at the Heckscher", The Long Islander, June 27, 1991, p. 2

Karin Lipson, "Nature in the Abstract, Around Us and Within", Newsday, July 26, 1991, p. 86

"Contemporary Arts at the Heckscher", The Dix Hillan, June 26, 1991, p. 7

Gregory Galligan, "Steamed-Up Mirrors and Boogie-Woogies", Art International, Spring/Summer, p.69

Charles Hagen, "Willy Heeks", Artforum, March 1991, p. 130

Ken Johnson, "Willy Heeks", Art in America, February 1991, p. 151

Faye Hirsch, "Willy Heeks", Arts, February 1991, vol. 65, no. 6, p. 83

David Pagel, "The Edges of Abstractions", Artspace, January- February 1991, p. 42-49

Deni MacIntosh McHenry, Organic Abstraction, Catalog Essay. The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, MO. 1991

Terrie Sultan, 42nd Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting, Catalog Essay. Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 1991

Laura Caruso, "Biology vs. Geometry", Kansas City Star, December 16, 1990, pp. H1 and 5 Barbara Rose, editor

"Natural Selection at the Nelson- Atkins", The Journal of Art, December 1990, vol. 3, no. 3, p. 19

"Goings on about Town, Art - Willy Heeks", The New Yorker, December 3, 1990, p. 20

Ruth Gilbert, "Hot Line; the Tops in Town this Week - Art", New York, December 3, 1990, vol. 23, no. 47, p. 38

Edith Newhall, "Fall Preview - Galleries", New York, September 10, 1990, vol. 23, no. 35, p. 55

David Pagel, The Ends of Paintings: The Edges of Abstraction, Catalog Essay. Shoshana Wayne Gallery, Santa Monica, CA. 1990

Gregory Galligan, Solo Exhibition Catalog Essay. David Beitzel Gallery, New York, NY. 1990

Susan Loving, "Art Took Willy Heeks... ", Bristol, RI, Phoenix, July 20, 1989, pp. 1 & 3

Miriam Seidel, "Five Artists Exhibit Works on Paper", The Philadelphia Inquirer, Friday, June 15, 1990, p. 42

Nancy Stapen, "Warm, Sensual Gallery Show a Welcome Respite from Cold", Boston Herald, January 1, 1990

Jan Bart Klaster, "Gedateerd Modernisme", Het Parool(Holland), June 2, 1989

Ed Wingen, "Explosieve abstracties van Willy Heeks", Kunstbeeld (Holland), May 5, 1989

Rob Bouber, "Heeks' Abstracten", Dagblad Kennemerland (Holland), May 20, 1989

Mark Smith, "Heeks' Work Consolidates Structure, Chaos", Austin, American-Statesman, April 20, 1989

John Russell, "The Reunion of Distant Cousins", The New York Times, June 16, 1989

Gregory Galligan, "New York Letter: Willy Heeks", Art International, Spring1989, p. 58

Carter Ratcliff, "Art: Swamp Things", Vogue, April 1989, pp. 282-288

Kenneth Baker, "Willy Heeks", The San Francisco Chronicle, March 2, 1989

Peggy Cyphers, "Willy Heeks", Arts, February 1989, p.101

Meyer Raphael Rubinstein, "Willy Heeks, David Beitzel Gallery, November, 1988" ETC, Montreal, Spring 1989, p. 74

Kay Larson, "Willy Heeks", New York, December 1988 

Margaret Moorman, "Transcendent", ARTnews, December 1988

Edith Newhall, "Fall Preview: Galleries", New York, September 12, 1988, p. 70

Jed Perl, "Art", Vogue, July 1988

Edward J. Sozanski, "Styled Spontaneity Marks an Exhibit of Willy Heeks' Works", The Philadelphia Inquirer, May 5, 1988, p. 5, Sec. D

Portfolio, Bomb, Spring, 1988, pp. 28-29

Jed Perl, "What's Major? What's Minor?" The New Criterion, March 1988, p. 58

Patricia Lowry, "Carnegie Exhibit Reviews Art of Abstraction", The Pittsburgh Press, February 23, 1988

Bill Homisak, "The Unbearable Lightness of the 'New' Abstraction", The Tribune, February 14, 1988

Kay Larson, "Art", New York, February 1, 1988, p. 102-104, vol. 21, no. 5

Barry Schwabsky, "Natural, Anti-Naturalism, Painting", Flash Art, January – February, 1988, p. 102

Donald Miller, "Abstract Styles: Ten Artists on Display", Pittsburgh Post - Gazette, January 29, 1988

John Caldwell, Ten Americans, Catalog Essay. Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, PA. 1988

Dan Cameron, "Opening Salvos, Part One", Arts, December, l987, pp. 89-93

Martijn van Nieuwenhuyzen, "Station to Station", Flash Art, November - December, l987, pp. 92 - 95

Barry Schwabsky, "Willy Heeks", Artscribe International, l987, pp. 80-81

Stephen Westfall, "Willy Heeks", Art in America, November, l987, p. 182

Ellen Handy, "The Four Corners of Abstraction", Arts, November, l987, p. 108

Ellen Lee Klein, "Willy Heeks", Arts, June/Summer, l987, p. 109

Meyer Raphael Rubinstein, "Willy Heeks", Arts, June/Summer, l987, p. 99

Artextreme, Spring- Summer, l987, no. 7, cover, pp.4-7

John Yau, "Willy Heeks", Artforum, April, l987, p. 123

Ed Wingen, "Willy Heeks: Maakt Explosief Gebaar", De Telegraaf, April 16, l987

Anna Tilroe, "Couleur Locale", de Volkskrant , April 25, l987

Jed Perl, "At the Beginning of the Season", The New Criterion, December, l986, pp. 65-70

Dan Cameron, "In The Realm of The Hyper-Abstract", Arts, November, l986, pp. 36 - 40

John Pantalone, "Willy Heeks: Paintings", Art New England, November, l986, vol. 7, no. 10, p. 18

John Pantalone, "What is Abstract", Newport This Week, September, 25, l986, p. 19

Bill Van Siclin, "Fostering Art", Sunday Providence Journal, September 21, l986, pp. A-l, H-1 and 10

Dan Cameron, "Ten to Watch", Arts, September, l986, p. 40-5

Victoria Dunohoe, "A Revitalization of Abstraction: Willy Heeks at Vanguard", The Philadelphia Inquirer, May 9, l986, p. 38

Lillian Bregman, "Willy Heeks at Vanguard", Philadelphia Magazine, vol. 10, no. l, p. 62

Barry Schwabsky, "After The Great Separation: On One Tendency in Recent Abstract Painting and Its Background", Arts, November, l985, pp. 22-25

Donald Chant Bohn, New Art Examiner, Summer, 1985, p.57

Edward J. Sozanski, "Two Views of Abstraction", The Philadelphia Inquirer, April 25, l985

Grace Glueck, "Willy Heeks", The New York Times, March 2, l984, Sec. C, p. 20.   

Michael Brenson, "Drawing with Respect to Painting", The New York Times, March 2, l984, Sec. C, p. 22

Appearances, Winter, l984, no. 10, pp. 23-24

Richard Flood, Editor. Notations, Regarding Today's Art, Foundation for Today's Art, Philadelphia, PA, 1984, p.3-16